Friday, July 30, 2004

We can't stop or we'll blow up...

I've made it through week three of summer Greek!! Today's test was pretty challenging. I hope I did better than last week's, but something tells me not so much. Oh well, what can ya do? It's over and it does no good worrying about it. It's amazing how much people emphasize not worrying about your grades here. You'd think, "Hey, it's Princeton so everyone's obsessed about their grades", but it's more like, "Hey, it's Princeton and you're here to fulfill your calling, so, as long as you're doing as best you can, don't worry about grades." Kind of a refreshing way of looking at things.

The tests are 4 questions and we have 2 hours to take the test. Sounds great...until you realize that there are 3 or 4 Greek sentences per question and a lot of grammer/parsing questions for each question as well. 30 mins per question is about my average. Ouch. Anyway, as this guy Matt put it when I was frustrated last night because I couldn't figure out the translation for one of the questions on the practice test, "You got into Princeton. Everyone's made good grades and everyone's smart, but it's Princeton. So, if you're having problems with it chances are so is everyone else." And they are.

Gotta love the analogy Dr. Wagner made in class on Wednesday... "You know the movie Speed, where they're in the bus and can't stop or else they'll blow up? ...We're on that bus." Grrreat...We can't stop or we'll blow up. Lovely.

But enough of Greek. I'm going to hang out with some friends tonight--it's a catfish fry... :-D Maybe head over to the D-bar after that. Notice the consistently inexpensive prices...and that I can get my Guinness draft for 2 bucks...heh heh heh... The first time a bunch of us seminary folks went there I had my Scotch and my Guinness...the guys were standing in line to shake my hand. :) Alright, well, it's time to head out for the catfish fry!

Have a great weekend friends!


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