I know my last post wasn't so happy, but I had to vent somewhere/to someone. I don't know why the organization church is frustrating to me all the sudden. Actually, it's more like it's been an issue for a while and I'm finally vocalizing my thoughts. I guess since I tend to avoid conflict, I am more likely to keep my concerns to myself. But, I just don't want to do that any longer. So, feel free to comment on my ramblings and thoughts on the church that I have a feeling are going to appear more often in my posts. It will be helpful for me to talk through them with other people. Especially non-seminary folk, cause seminarians are starting to get on my nerves. Haha...just kidding. It's just weird to be in a seminary crowd when going places. The conversations never seem to stray from some sort of seminary or church related topic. Maybe that's why I enjoy hanging out with Bugg and Shurley so much...haha...that's the first time I said their last names together, that's great...these guys are hilarious and end up talking about random things. They crack me up. Anyway, so you're probably wondering why I would want to encourgae continous religious talk as part of my blog entries... I don't know. Maybe because I spend so much time listening to it and not really saying anything....when I am here, it's my turn.
So, my real post will have to wait until after class cause I gotta jet.
I think you should come to British Columbia, Canada. I know tons of folks who feel the pretty much exactly the same way you do. You'd be preachin' to the choir out here!
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