Monday, April 04, 2005

John Butler Trio rising in popularity

A lot of my hits are coming from people searching for info in the John Butler Trio...sweet!

I was searching Google to keep up with how they are working their way up in American popularity, and found a bunch of articles on the they are breaking into the charts! Woo-hoo! I knew it was only a matter of time.

At the risk of sounding like a crazy JBT groupie (too late?) really need to go to a concert of these guys while you have the chance! They are playing small concerts now to build a fan base and this is the best time to see them. They are amazing musicians.

In America I stand right up next the the stage at a 150 person concert and watch John Butler jam on his 12 string and feed off of the drummer and the double bass player...I've gotten John Butler's autograph on the Zebra single, and talked to Australia they play for 3,000 people. Even the last concert, a year after the experience I just described, there is less personal contact with the band.

Come on guys. If you have the chance to see JBT live you better take it!

Articles from March 30, 2005 article on John Butler Trio March 28, 2005 article on John Butler's trvaling and upcoming US Tour March 19, 2005 article on American release of Sunrise over Sea. This article describes their sound a bit--you know how I'm always saying they are hard to describe genre wise, it's better to just listen to them, but here's a shot at a decent description.


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