Friday, November 05, 2004

And it overflows....

With as much work that I have to do before Thanksgiving Break (I REALLY WISH I COULD GO HOME FOR THANKSGIVING!!!), I am extremely distracted.

For Tuesday, I have a 15 page utrum paper to write over Euthanasia and an Old Testament mid-term which covers, oh, Genesis to 1 Kings, and requires names, dates, map locations, book outlines, guotes from books, and overall theories and well as a Touring choir trip this Sunday... Some are excited about the weekend--I just want to dig a hole and crawl into it. Too much work to do and not enough time!

Yet, I can't focus!!

I keep returning to my anger on a divided democratic nation, conversations I overhear, and yesterday's discussion in my Church, Community, and Nation class. Living in a "blue state," I am constanstly reminded of the hate people have for the other, those of "red" affiliation, viciously expressed with the affect of isolating those who think otherwise... How is this affective? If reversed, the "red states" would have an excuse to hate. How is this affective? It's not.

I am singled out for being a Republican, and along with that a supporter of Bush. I am singled out for being a female who voted for Bush. I am singled out for being a Christian who voted for Bush. Hearing questions such as "How can young women vote for Bush?" or "How can Christians vote for Bush?" In a graduate class where we are challenged to look at the current system of government in which we live, focusing on the history of America that divides itself between the American "us" and the other "them", I am angry! Are we not participating in this same thing under the pretense of democratic parties? Are we not supposed to be a united nation--The United States of America? I don't feel any unity, only a separation that is growing out of control. This false unity is the downfall of the country. Not president Bush, or young Christian woman who voted for him. When Christians look down on other Christians questioning their religious convictions as a follower of Christ, when party lines become so important that they are the defining characteristics of a person, that is the danger. This is what is tearing us apart, this is what makes me angry, and this is what we, as a united state, and as Christians, need to stop.


At 5/11/04 1:18 PM, Blogger JJJ said...

I must admit that I, too, do not understand why you support Bush. I agree with some of what you say regarding untiy and the essential problems of our supposed "United States," though. I would however take it further than mere party lines or religious affiliations. I feel that, as humans, we have somewhat of a duty to make this world a better place by means of brotherhood/sisterhood. This requires us to remove the holy texts of our identity from our eyes and rest them over our hearts. We would do many greater things for each other if our sense of self did not hang on the disciplined divisions of political science or religious dogma. Do you disagree?
What is the difference between Christian and Muslim and Jew? Technicalities aside, we all strive for happiness and a feeling of meaningful satisfaction, linked through The Sacred to our lives. We seek harmony. We desire deep, relevent interactions with our concept of God and the hearts and minds of those we come into contact with. Why is it so difficult? I'm not sure. I think it has something to do with people not listening to their 'heart' or the little voice within them that knows better. That voice has no labeled container for itself. And too often I feel we place our understanding within the realms of social boundaries, not recognizing or admitting that the boundaries are self-imposed.
I thank you for giving me something to think about and hope this response does not come off as arrogant or dull.


I'll leave you with a quote from Emerson that I like:

"I appeal from your customs. I must be myself. I cannot break myself any longer for you, or you. If you can love me for what I am, we shall be the happier. If you cannot, I will still seek to deserve that you should. I will not hide my tastes or aversions. I will so trust that what is deep is holy, that I will do strongly before the sun and moon whatever inly rejoices me, and the heart appoints. If you are noble, I will love you; if you are not, I will not hurt you and myself by hypocritical attentions. If you are true, but not in the same truth with me, cleave to your companions; I will seek my own. I do this not selfishly, but humbly and truly."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

At 7/11/04 7:48 PM, Blogger Mary said...

I am swamped with school at the moment....I want to reply to comments, but probably won't be able to until.....oh, Thanksgiving.... :-/ maybe sooner if you're lucky...

At 7/11/04 8:57 PM, Blogger Mary said...

Until then... Read this article, The Jesus People Meme. It's a lot of what I wanted to blog about before my life became entirely to crazy for my own good.


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