City Lights Group
This is a picture from Summer 2003 at New City Fellowship Church. I lived in this building for the summer while spending the summer working with inner city kids. It is the most amazing church and worship experience I have ever had--I loved it and would do my field ed there if it wasn't a PCA church that don't ordain women... The greatest mixture of race and culture I have experienced on a regular Sunday gathering. The service was in French, Spanish, and English. We sang songs in Lengala, Spanish, English which ranged from the traditional African and Spanish songs, to English songs translated to Spanish and Lengala, to traditional hymns, and maranatha type music as well we the more modern praise and worship music. I think I was in heaven ya'll. (I just said ya'll)
Anyway, I think I'll add a blogger category of people that I lived with in St. Louis, MO summer 2003 for City Lights Urban Project.
Dorothy Kim and Joyce Chun are amazing. Dorothy and I were in the same small group and Joyce and I both on the worship team for the learning enrichment program. And, I found out that Joyce knows Neah Lee here at PTS, so I need to introduce myself to her. Both Joyce and Neah Lee are singer/songwriters like myself. Although I seem to have slacked off in that area recently.
So much for a short post...I need to get to writing my paper on Aquinas' Summa Theologiae. Peace yo.
**so I tried to post the above text at the time the picture posted after dinner, but it wouldn't work until now...11:32 pm....and I must say, this Aquinas paper is kicking my butt, I was excited to write it--but I got nothing. My brain functioning capacity is dead. Seriously, I can't formulate my thoughts into a decent paper. How annoying. And the professor is the precetor and last week she specifically said that she would ask me what I thought and to talk about my paper since the side of the room I sit on doesn't talk in class. Joy upon joys. It's almost break time, but not quite...too bad my brian has already shut down.**
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