Wednesday, February 02, 2005

What DID I do today?

Haven't done any work today...

Seriously. distracted me. Yet another procrastination tool I suppose.

Did I mention that I'm apathetic? It feels like I've gone 7 months with straight school...wait, I have. Maybe that's why I don't care anymore. Must consider this.

The pics posted yesterday were from the excursion to Chucky Cheese the day after the Old Testament final a few weeks ago. Who said seminary students must always talk theology? The rest will make into my photo album eventually. Katie Fitz is the one who actually took the pics, as usual it isn't me.

One thing I did do today was sing in a quartet as a cantor in chapel. The choir sang most of the verses and the quartet led a few of the others. I've only been a cantor one other time so this is a relatively new way of worshiping and leading worship. I really enjoy it.

Perhaps I should read for Sin and Salvation tomorrow....and maybe try and get in some theology...can't get behind in the readings or my critical log won't exactly work so well.


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