Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Educational Insanity

A summary of my week as categorized through the insanity of a graduate education:

You know you've reached new levels of educational insanity when...

you take a study break to brain storm on scenarios for low ropes facilitation, and after coming up with one involving escaping a burning ship to a ship that is not burning, the only other idea you can think of is to tell your campers to picture themselves going from one ground of being to another ground of being....

the light at the end of the tunnel is not necessarily because you're finished working, but that the sun is rising to bring in a new day before you've finished the last one...

(this one may deserve a warning...I heard someone say this, and, just to reiterate the point of the educational insanity phrases, for this to become a way to describe the educational process, there is something wrong...)

you relate your study habits to eating disorders...binge and purge...

you seriously consider connecting yourself to an IV of ever flowing caffeine...


This is a series inspired by Peter Allen:

You know you have reached new levels of educational insanity when...

you calculate the percentage of your brain activity.

You know you have reached greater levels of educational insanity when...

your brain activity is only operating at 37% +/- 1%.....

You know you have reached an exceedingly high level of educational insanity when....

your brain activity is below 25% and decreasing rapidly +/-1%....


Hope you enjoyed the above--they are based off of personal experience and/or the comments and experiences of my fellow seminarians.


* 2 more classes are over--Sin and Salvation in the Old Testament as well as Intro to the New Testament! Church History final is on Friday...then I'll be finished....

** I leave for Texas in 4 days!

*** I'm going to the Austin College graduation!

**** That means I can sing in the A Cappella Choir as an Alumni!

***** I can't wait to see everybody! :)


At 10/5/05 9:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this phrase: "educational insanity is constantly redefining my expense..." and this whole post! Great blog :)

At 11/5/05 8:21 PM, Blogger Mary said...

Thanks! :)


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