Hey, now, you're an all-star....
Can I just tell you how great this week has been? So great. Finally feeling like I am having a summer! Time to make my room really awesome. Time to sleep. Time to read fun books. Time to write. Time to hang out with Nichole and Inger. Time to rest before having to attend orientation and meet a bunch of newbies. Yea! I'm not a newbie anymore...well, sorta.
The only thing I have left between me and a super cool room is a few more blank wall space. That's mostly because I want to frame stuff before putting it up. Like, I have a ton of pictures from Scotland that I want to hang up on the wall, so I want to get a collage picture frame, or two, for those. And I need a big one for my Lilly poster that Janice gave me. And then I need something for the huge wall my bed is up against that has absolutly nothing on it. I need some cheap posterage and framage. I'll get right on that.
I am a major slacker and just yesterday registered for Fall classes. Here's what I'm taking:
History of Christianity I (with McVey and Rorem)
Speech Communication in Ministry (with whoever they give me)
Introduction to New Testament Exegesis (with Dr. Wagner again!)
Orientation to Old Testament Studies (with Miller and Sakenfeld)
Issues in Bio-Medical Ethics (with Duff)
Church, Community, and Nation (with Fenn)
That's 16 credits, which is the recommended for having taken a summer language. It sounds intense. A couple of them only meet one day a week. I am really really excited about the class with Mr. Fenn. The course description says that it is an "Investigation of the way in which the church, social class, and the nation compete and collaborate with each other in the social construction of community. Class conflict and the role of the churchs in local communities. The relation of central politcal and cultral instutions to groups and movements on the periphery. The effets of global social trends, dissent, religious movements, and the expansion of the state on the symbolic contruction of community." I think the Bio-Medical Ethics class will be really great also. And it counts towards the social work program so it's even better. Hopefully I get those two though, since I waited forever to register. Although, I think the newbies still have to register so it's not totally hopeless.
Rock on. I'm gonna go find something to do now.
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