I'm bound to ramble*
You know the quote from My Big Fat Greek wedding, "If I suvived an old lady ass kicking, I'd brag about it"? I now have my own rendition, "If I survived a crazy old lady trying to set me on fire, I'd brag about it". And I did. And I am--bragging about it. She was just trying to help wish me a happy birthday, I'm sure... After dissappearing for a while she comes back to the table and asks me to give her my hand, palm down. I am a bit reluctant, but by then she has annouced to everyone that it's my birthday and everyone is staring at me, so I give her my hand. Then she takes out three matches and starts putting them in between my fingers. I am wondering what in the world she is thinking, when she trys to light the matches. I look very concerned and take my hand away placing the "candels" on the piece of chocolate cake in front of me. She then calls me a wimp. No thanks lady, I'd rather not be set on fire for my birthday! She was a riot. All this happened at the pot luck lunch at United Reformed Church, Somerville, NJ. This was the Touring Choir's first venture. It's going to be a great year.
I've had a number of birthday celebratory events this weekend. Friday night Oliva and I had a joint birthday party (her birthday was Thursday) of a girls night out with dinner at the Olive Garden and hanging out afterwards. The second celebration was Saturday dinner at Soonja's, an Asian food place. It was really good to just sit and hang out with friends and eat great food. Thanks to all who came! The third celebration was almost non-existant, but I am really thankful to Katy for making it happen--The John Butler Trio concert was wonderful!! We heard them play for an hour and a half, and the whole time I was drooling over the mad guitar skills of John Butler. I saw them in Austin at SXSW in March, but I forgot how amazing watching them is! I am so thankful that I was able to go. And for those wondering what these guys sound like and not liking my hesitant answers of, "Um, I don't really know, it's just different" I have a description for ya, from John Butler himself--"reggae-hillbilly". Maybe... But, seriously, you just need to listen to these guys. I was able to buy their "Three" cd, which has the song in which my blog is named, as well as a sticker for my guitar case. Celebration four? (since today is the actual birthday) I'll get back to ya on that. I have a lot of reading to do, unfortunately.
Oh, and I have to remember to stop talking bad about all the PTS people... Somehow my blog seems to have reached the hands of fellow student bloggers. Maybe it's because of this entry...Adam's blog
*Title of post is yet another reference to The John Butler Trio
damn straight! we're reading now. i'm really glad you got to go last night - sounds awesome.
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