Sarah Sumner's, Men and Women in the Church: Building Consensus on Christian Leadership
I am thinking of leading a group discussion on women in ministry next semester, using the book by Dr. Sarah Sumner Men and Women in the Church: Building Consensus on Christian Leadership. I went through this book last year with Carrie, who was the IV Staff Worker at AC--she's at seminary now as well, up at Gordon Conwell. The book looks at the hidden prejudices on women, that women have on themselves, and what is an appropriate way to deal with this issue. It addresses the scriptures used to keep woman from the pulpit, and seeks to address both sides of the issue. It helps you understand where both sides are coming from. There is also a section on the teachings of our church fathers on women--only necessary for reproduction and not useful to talk to--of which it is possible to see we have progressed on the issue, even if we still have a long way to go. If you know of anyone who would be interested in this type of book discussion let me know.
Interview with Sarah Sumner on her book.
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