Sunday, February 27, 2005

Hotel Rwanda

Wrote this for speech class and read it last week. Thought this might be a good place to share it.

Reflections on the movie Hotel Rwanda, a 2004 film depicting the genocide of Tutsis and moderate Hutus in the African country of Rwanda. Prior to the 1994 genocide, in the year 1959, the majority ethnic group, the Hutus, overthrew the ruling Tutsi king. Within the next several years, thousands of Tutsis were killed, and approximately 150,000 were forced into neighboring countries. Children of these exiles later formed a rebel group, the Rwandan Patriotic Front, and began a civil war in 1990. This war, along with several political and economic upheavals, heightened ethnic tensions—Hutu against Tutsi—and thus the genocide of a million Tutsis in three months. Hotel Rwanda is the true story of Paul Rusesabagina, a hotel manager who found himself in the midst of the struggle against the Hutu militia, and housed over a thousand Tutsis refugees within his hotel.

Hotel Rwanda. For this tragedy in my lifetime that I was immune to; for the genocide that I was immune to; for the horror that escaped the hearts of people worldwide—I grieve. My body is tense with anxiety as I watch the screen. Watch the children dancing and singing an African song, innocent, yet targets because of their Tutsi heritage. Watch as Hutu soldiers beat men, women, and children, and kill them with machetes. “A machete is no way to die”. Why were these people abandoned? Why were they left without protection? Why do people hear of such things and continue about their daily lives, saying, “That’s horrible, and turning back to their dinner”? Was there no one willing to intervene?

We distance ourselves from tragedy and let such events go unprocessed. It is the only way to deal with them and not be moved. Yet, how can we ignore a road full of bodies as far as the eye can see; bodies on the road and in the ditches, bodies for miles and miles in all directions. Still, the attitude that there is nothing we can do plagues us. And I look to the gold cross Paul, the hotel manager, holds in his hand, the cross his wife wears around her neck. I wonder if he thinks, “My God, why have forsaken your people? Where are you, God?” because that is what I am thinking. Where was God when this killing of millions took place? Why did he let this happen? I would not have let it happen—if I had the power to stop it. Or would I? This is not the only genocide occurring in my lifetime. What am I doing about similar situations in the world today? There is civil war in the Congo, and the conflict of warring ethnic groups from Rwanda and other countries seeking refuge in the Congo; there is genocide in the Sudan in the country of Darfur. Am I, are we, yet standing by? Perhaps this is not about God’s failings to enter into the situations of suffering around the world. Perhaps it is our own failings.

23) Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts.
24) See if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Psalms 139:23-24

Friends, it is time to stop questioning God and wondering where God is when His people are suffering. It can only be assumed by his great love for all people, as shown through His Son Jesus Christ, that God is in the midst of the suffering. This is where we need to be as well. That we would be moved to action on their behalf—whether by donating supplies or funds to a trusted organization, writing letters to our government, organizing a trip to Africa, or by remaining conscious of the suffering and telling others about it, there is something that can, and needs to be done. We must not forsake our brothers and sisters.

Information concerning African countries found at CIA Factbook.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Social Constraints

Liam's 1st Birthday Posted by Hello

Now, pray, why can't I get away with eating my cake as such?

Sigma Phi Chi For Eternity

(You know, I think it's amusing that the number one way people land on my blog from Google and Yahoo! is by searching for the Mahna Mahna video. Sweet.)

Sigma Phi Chi

Don't mess with Founders Posted by Hello

My wonderful Sigma Phi Chi Sisters at Austin College took 5 pledges last night at Bid Night. I'm sad I couldn't be there, but I know they had a great night. Ahh, the fun/crazy times. Perhaps being a grad student should make me detached from the longings of the college days, but, then again, who cares... I'm a founding member, there are attachments to my sorority that obviously some graduates at seminary don't have. Or maybe they're all too old to appreciate such childish ways. I almost ran around outside in my letters yelling out Sigma songs, but I had a Gospel Fest to attend to. Perhaps next year, if there are other Sigmas here to yell them out with me, we can cause a ruckus on Bid Night.

"An army of rooters are we..."

"I bleed my colors green and silver don't you wish you were a Sigma too!"

Sigma Phi Chi Alumnus and so very proud to be...

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


I leave you with this.

I'm rolling on the floor laughing...

[thanks Judy!]

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Molly Malone

You need to learn this song, and then belt it out at top of your lungs.

It's necessary.

It's part of the seminary experience...

Crying cockles and muscles alive alive O!!

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Post about as scatter-brained and focused as I feel...

I know people are coming to my blog--the counter doesn't lie--but the lack of comments throughout my posts kinda sucks. Or shall I say thanks to the few who actually comment. I know, I'm just too intimidating for you. That's ok. It happens. GET OVER IT! :)

I'm real short on motivation...slim to none. Yet, somehow, even though I know I should care, DOES THIS LOOK LIKE THE BLOG OF SOMEONE WHO CARES?

Maybe a happy note for once. Today was Matt's 26th Birthday. Will bought a cake--an extremely good one--and brought it up to the front of the cafeteria while Patrick and I grabbed the mic to lead everyone in Happy Birthday. Then Will made Matt walk to the front to get his cake. It was great. I have to admit...when I e-mailed people about being "all about grabbing the mic in the cafe and busting out Happy Birthday" I had just finished a great and relaxing conversation with the group of people in my room--and a rather full glass of French wine and a Hopdevil Ale, courtesy of Michael, and therefore had more nerve for that sort of thing. Thus, even as I was writing this e-mail to people, I realized that when it actually came down to it I probably would chicken out. Of course, there was none of that after having e-mailed everyone about it. So, I merely suggested that I have at least one other person up there with me. Thanks Patrick. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATT!

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

The highlight of my day...

How could I forget the highlight of my day?

Tres Leches Cake

Lord, I was in heaven today! And it was in the cafeteria no less. It was so good though.

They even attempted to quinch my thirst for a good TX margarita and fulfill my hunger for Tex-Mex. The margarita had no alchohal and way too much salt (glued to the cup...), but was good anyway, and the food was decent, but it only made me want the real stuff and not the cafeteria version.


What DID I do today?

Haven't done any work today...

Seriously. distracted me. Yet another procrastination tool I suppose.

Did I mention that I'm apathetic? It feels like I've gone 7 months with straight school...wait, I have. Maybe that's why I don't care anymore. Must consider this.

The pics posted yesterday were from the excursion to Chucky Cheese the day after the Old Testament final a few weeks ago. Who said seminary students must always talk theology? The rest will make into my photo album eventually. Katie Fitz is the one who actually took the pics, as usual it isn't me.

One thing I did do today was sing in a quartet as a cantor in chapel. The choir sang most of the verses and the quartet led a few of the others. I've only been a cantor one other time so this is a relatively new way of worshiping and leading worship. I really enjoy it.

Perhaps I should read for Sin and Salvation tomorrow....and maybe try and get in some theology...can't get behind in the readings or my critical log won't exactly work so well.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

What man, what'd I do? Posted by Hello

Fun at Chucky Cheese Posted by Hello