Sunday, January 30, 2005

critical (b)log for systematic theology

Thought about starting a blog for my Systematic Theology class. We have the choice of taking a final at the end of the class, or keeping a critical log of the readings. If I choose the critical log, I'd like to keep a blog of it as well as the hard copy. Kinda stole this idea from Kellen. It's a great idea, sorta wonder why I didn't think about it myself... ;)

Although, I kinda did, since I posted concerning systematic theology both on the 25th and 27th. It's just the idea of making a whole blog dedicated to that...good stuff.

Other than that, I'm really apathetic at the moment.

Friday, January 28, 2005

Another downhill drop on the rollercoaster of my life...

Ever wondered why in the hell you can never overcome certain aspects of your personality that continually drive you insane? Ever wonder how in the hell someone else is supposed to get beyond those parts of your personality when you can't? Ever just want to close yourself off from the rest of the world because no one understands you? Because you feel like you've already unintentionally closed the rest of the world out. Because you feel like you've lost all ability to reappear in the world. Because even though you are aching to feel accepted, you'd much rather be alone. How often do we let other people become our identity? How often do those people somehow let us down? How often to we return to our feelings of inadequacy? Do you ever loss all sense of trust for the God who is supposed to guide us? Or is that just me?

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Is poverty a systematic condition?

I remember watching an incrediably powerful movie in my Intro to Christian Theology class with Steve Stell. Romero (1989).

As I am reading for my Sytematic Theology class 4 years later, I reaquaint myself with the story. A Theology of Liberation by Gustavo Gutierrez captured my attention of the Archbishop of El Salvador, Oscar Romero. Gutierrez, suggests that there is "a high price for being an authentic church of the poor". Speaking not only of monetary manners, but of hostile reactions to this sort of church. Romero received death threats for speaking against the powerful in his country who were oppressing the poor, "In the name of God and of this suffering people whose wailing mounts daily to heaven, I ask and beseech you, I order you: stop the repression!" He was killed the next day in Mass. As Gutierrez says, "Martyrdom (in the broad sense of the term) is the final accomplishment of life; in this case, it was a concrete gesture toward the poor and thereby an utterly free encounter with the Lord" (xIiii).

I am just beginning to learn about liberation theology, so I am unfamilar with the practicality of it. It amazes me, however, the passion and dedication it has for the poor and oppressed. It instills in me the question of how extreme will I go in my desire to help the poor; to think seriously about the system and to contemplate how to change it; and how the church can become a church for the poor.

I am also taking a class called Sin and Salvation in the Old Testament. We touched on similar issues in class today. Relavent to this discussion is the idea that the Church is more willing to help the poor through charitable acts than by working to change the system. To work to change the system is to become involved in politcs; the church distances itself from political issues, and, therefore, from the people who suffer. In this distancing ourselves from the suffering of others, are we not in a sense placing blinders on the suffering and falling into sins of omission? What, then, can be done?

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Neah Lee and Joyce Chun

Neah Lee CD Release Concert Posted by Hello

Directions to Neah's CD Release Concert on Friday January 29th in NY. There are also links to a promo movie for the concert and sound clips. Check it out.

I also read that Joyce Chun will be playing Thursday January 28th for a Christian Artists Fellowship in TN. Check out her blog for more info on her arrival at this point and details for the concert.

I'd say both events are exciting moments for these ladies. If you aren't where you can go listen to them, lift them up in prayer. They are wonderful. Praise God.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The Grace of Reconciliation-Calvin

It is one thing to feel that God as our Maker supports us by his power, governs us by his providence, nourishes us by his goodness, and attends us with all sorts of blessings--and another thing to embrace the grace of reconciliation offered to us in Christ.--John Calvin, The Institutes of The Christian Religion, Book One, Chapter Two, Section One.

I learned this the summer of 2003 at the City Lights Urban Project with InterVarsity. I was hit smack in the face with the notion that even though I'd heard of grace, I didn't really understand it. I wasn't living in God's grace, much less letting other people show me grace. When I messed up I took myself too seriously. I let my low self-esteem bring up questions and doubts as to how people could really love me once they got to know me. The grace of reconciliation. This is a beautiful phrase. Grace brings us to the point of reconciliation with one another, with ourselves, and with God. In order to bring about any change within ourselves, the church, or the nation, we must first recognize the importance of grace. Showing grace and living in grace; grace for all people, no matter where they live, what they do, who they are friends with, what their history is, or their relation to you. It follows closely with the command to love your neighbor as well as your enemy. Grace and hesed, unconditional love. Separate, yet interconnected.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Brooklyn: The Musical

Brooklyn: The Musical Posted by Hello

My first Broadway show seems to critical reviewers a waste of time. There are those bashing the script and lyrics, saying it is too cliche, sweet, banal, and showy on the vocal side--nothing to take with you when you leave. This is a mistake.

Brooklyn begins with a challenge to the audience. The cast, playing homeless streetsingers putting on a streetshow, begin their show singing,

There's a heart behind these hands
There's a soul beneath these clothes
There's a story behind these empty eyes
That no one wants to know

And as these characters tell the story of a Paris born girl named Brooklyn who is searching for the Brooklyn born father she's never met, we see unfolding before us the story of one of the streetsingers. Woven into the story is a constant struggle between cynicism and hope, as well as the importance of love. The costumes, vocal projection, stage presence, and emotionality of the cast are wonderful. As the article linked above says,

Two Broadway newcomers have written the show: Barri McPherson and Mark Schoenfeld. The duo first met in the '80s and were reunited a decade later when McPherson found Schoenfeld singing for his supper as a homeless street performer in, yes, Brooklyn.

If you have a chance to see this musical, please do. Then, whenever you see the homeless on the street or in the subway, even if they aren't performers, remember the opening song--there's a heart, soul, and story in each of them, that perhaps you might want to know.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


"I couldn't live in the city. I'd give all my money to homeless people."

"...would that be so bad?"

"...No, I guess not."

Walking through New York City yesterday in a 18 degree high and a 9 degree low--freezing to the point where if my jeans were to suddenly rip and fall off, I probably wouldn't have known it--I kept thinking of all those with no where warm to return to after a long day in the cold.

A man playing guitar on the subway car.

A man playing a 12 string guitar for those waiting for the subway car, unashamed of Jesus.

A man selling me a newspaper on Special Education so he can find a place to stay the night.

A man speaking softly and trying to tell me why he needs change to pay for something having to do with his hospital bracelet.

Maybe they're not all homeless, but maybe they are. Maybe I should just become like those around me who seem unfazed. Except for that man. How does he do it? He just started talking to the man with the 12 string...why can't I do that? Maybe I can. It's a shame that later on, when approached about a newspaper, and having almost 20 mins till my train out of the city, I still couldn't carry on a descent conversation--just buy the newspaper, it's only 2 bucks. In distress I take a seat away from people, yet people fill in the seats. I think to myself, "I couldn't live in the city. I'd give all my money to homeless people." Seconds later, "...would that be so bad?" Money isn't everything, "...No, I guess not." As if on cue, he approaches asking for change for something I can't understand. Do I really need to understand the situation to understand that he's asking for help? I don't even count the dollers this time. Maybe 3? I almost hope I pulled out something more than that.

Yet... Why do they appraoch me? Do I have sucker written on my face? Is it cause I'm a girl? Or do they see something else--perhaps a willingness to help? Maybe they approach me, because I've failed to approach others. When I hesitated to give them money, what did they think? I hope they don't think I look down on them and see them as less than human. When I am debating in my soul about what they'll do with my money, if their story is real, thinking if there is any other way I can help without giving money--why do they approach me when I haven't formulated how to deal with situations like this?

Why is it taking me so long to formulate?

Monday, January 17, 2005

Musicals/This day in 2004


Not sure what to think of these....

Altar Boyz

Jerry Springer: The Opera

I guess the lady from Aberdeen would like the last one..."Jerry Springer, sex on legs." Yikes...did I just write that on my blog?

I guess I can't write something like that without explaining the story, and that I am quoting a drunk Scottish lady... Fun times in hotel pubs in Scotland.

This day in 2004

Just think, my Scotland buddies, a year ago today, we were on our way to Elgin, and stopped to see Castles Girncoe and Sinclair, Old Wick Castle, and the cliffs behind Old Wick Castle. Then after 2 days in Elgin, we headed on to Aberdeen, with a stop at the Glenfiddich Distillery, where I thought about working if Scotch was a benefit. Perhaps it's not too late?

*One day I'll have my own digital camera and will not have to steal pics from people...once again, these are from Stephen.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

cheap shots--not that kind a shots

Quick it self-promotion if I make comments about other people on my blog? What about if I refer to articles and such that I enjoy? Wouldn't that be promotion of someone or something else? Clearly then, I am in this blogging business for others. Clearly.

Helped Boswell pack up and head for DC today--anything to get that guy outta here faster. You're still here? Can I help you pack up those books Kevin? Great...don't let the door hit ya on your way out. :) Totally kidding. All this to say, have a good semester in DC and don't be a stranger.

Enjoyed dinner in the Alex Oratory this evening with several guys. Luke made Lental soup and set up the room nicly so we could all have a relaxing dinner. It was really good, and I think he's cooking again tomorrow night. I have awesome friends.

Watched In Good Company this evening as well, with more awesome friends.

Hoping to get a hold of Karen and Allison so that I can go hang out with them in the city this week.

Waiting for Carrie to get here on the 19th.

See, it's not all about me. Oh, right, that's why you have all those links on the right side of the page...

-Rick Ufford-Chase, Moderator of the 216th Presbyterian (USA) General Assembly
-Na Mare-poetry blog

to name a few...

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Shameless self-promotion....

Gotta love it. Posted by Hello

Stole this picture from Adam.

Hi Peter.

A bunch of us hung out last night for an End of Finals/Molly Logan's Birthday/Kevin Boswell's Send Off Party. Fun times.

My first semester at seminary is offically over! Not sure how I got everything done...other than sitting in front of my computer typing away till my hands turned numb and were two seconds from falling off. That and encouragment from friends. Thanks for your prayers!

Apparently, there are some people on this campus who need education on the benefits of the blogging world. Haters. Screw you. I still like you though. Well, maybe not. I need to go make friends now. Apparently.

Monday, January 10, 2005


Thanks for prayers on my OT Final!

Wish I could say I am almost finished, but I still have 3 papers and the Church History Final... YUCK!

Wednesday--Church History Final (for you AC people who've taken Intro to Christian Theo with Steve Stell, it's set up similar to his "celebration of learning"...i.e. drawing the essay questions out of a hat)

Thursday--BioMedical Ethics 13-15 pg paper as well as Church, Community, and Nation 15-20 pg paper due (THE CCN PAPER IS THE SOLITARY GRADE FOR THIS CLASS!)

Friday--NT Exegesis 7 page paper on Mark 10.32-45

Someone asked me last night, "How are you?"
I answered, "Going insane"
He answered, "Good, that's the way it should be"

That's encouraging....

Some else at dinner tonight said, "What do you have left?"
I replied, "3 papers and Church History"
In wide eyes, "I was going to complain, but you just made me feel a lot better"

Obviously, I have way too much to do and I need to go now.

PRAY!! Please!!

Friday, January 07, 2005

I feel like a gnat in a hail storm...

Perhaps blogging for prayer is better than not blogging in this instance.

The Old Testament Final is tomorrow morning...I am freaking out about it. Everytime I turn around I realize there is more that I haven't even begun to study, much less know well enough for the test. I could definately use prayers for the rest of my studying today and the test in the morning--for me to not become too anxious and make myself sick.

Thanks guys.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

No Mas Tejas... (till ?)

Back in P-town.

Tempted to leave the post at that, but you know me...I can't.

It was sad watching all the Tex-Mex and Taco places dissapear into the distance... [Kara, those tamales your family made were muy excellante!]

It was also sad leaving all my friends again. Alot of anxiety in that ride to the airport...the sadness of leaving Texas and my family and friends, yet knowing that I have great friends here at school who I am excited to see. All this and the thought of impending finals, and an Old Testament Review in the morning of which I've done nothing for... Yeah...about that... I should probably go. Yeah...

I'm not blog until after this craziness ends... That's not until the 14th... Anyone think I can make it that long without blogging?


Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year, Texas style

Happy New Year!

It's 2005...

What better way to bring in the New Year than hanging out with friends you haven't seen in 6 months! Shiner is a plus as well. :) I'm back up in North Texas, Almost Oklahoma, left South Texas, almost Almost Mexico, spent a few days in Central Texas, the Hill Country. There's a song there, I know's waiting, and soon it will bust through. Spent my days traveling the Highways of Texas, the Farm to Market Roads, the Ranch Roads, the Mail Route roads. Letting Texas fill my soul.

Yesterday, I was walking around the camp I've gone to and worked at for many years; trying to soak up every aspect of nature. I've noticed that when I am at camp, I slow down. I leave behind my fast paced walk and stroll along. I try and take in every thing around me. From the flowing creek, which means there must have been a rain recently, to the tall grasses all laying flat on the ground, which means the river must have flooded recently. I put my feet in the river, cold now without the summer heat, longing to jump right in. I look up and see the rolling clouds which block the sun, and stand there captivated, wishing the night before had not been so cloudy so that I could have stood looking up at the stars. I kick around the water in Blue Hole, looking at the remains of the recent flooding as manifest in the waterfall, and long to jump in. Climbing up around the top of Blue Hole works just as well. Everybody needs a little hill country. Having the staff party on the 30th worked out well since I was heading to S-Town that day anyway. It was good to break the trip up a little, plus I got to see camp people and chill at JKR.

I'm hanging out in S-Town with my friend Katie till the 4th. I'm real excited. I miss seeing my Katie friend!

This is the last post till I'm back in Princeton, and then after that I can't blog till after finals and papers are finished. I have way too much to do when I get back...I don't even want to think about it. I should be studying while Katie is at work... Alright then kids, I'm out.