Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Songwriting inspirations

Watched my U2 DVD today...the first section on the DVD is on the making of the CD. It was interesting to hear them talk about making music and their song writing process. I was listening to the CD last night and looking up the lyrics to the songs and was totally blown away. These guys are amazing. I started thinking about my own songs and it was discouraging yet inspiring at the same time. There is always a danger in comparing yourself to others, yet I find it hard not to do at times. I always end up watching people play the guitar, and then comparing my abilities to theirs....when I do this I sell myself short. I forget that I am watching guys who have 20 years on me. They have more experience that brings about things to write about and have been playing and singing longer. Even though I get a bit down on myself, it's more of a motivational factor than anything else--see what can be done!

In the DVD Bono says things that encourage me in my process of song writing. He said, "With U2 it's song writing by accident really...We don't really know what we're doing and when we do it doesn't seem to help." He also says about the song, "Sometimes you can't make it on your own" that the song had "been around for a few was just waiting". I feel the same way about my songs. I write a draft of it and it's alright, but it doesn't really hit me as it should. So, I let it sit for a while, hoping that one day it will come together and it will "be like it was always there". Or, you have lyrics sitting in your notebook, just waiting to be pieced together, changed, reorganized, set in the best place...then you can think about the music. Or maybe you have the music first and no words. It's a long process. It's hard. Sometimes you have to go full circle, like U2's producer Flood said. You work with the song, change it up, and then end up right back where you started. Sometimes I wish I had people to collaborate with cause it would make things easier...but then you'd have more people with more ideas all needing to be tried. I guess I just need to take it as it comes.

I've realized that I had songs in me that I just never gave voice to. I would think of something, or a really good one liner would come into my head, but I would never write it down. I've stopped that foolishness. When I feel something, I write it down. Even if it's only a sentence, or an idea of something to write about. At least then I am acknowledging the thought and opening doors for it to continue. So, I guess I'm a bit like U2...I don't really know what I'm doing, and when I write a song, it's more on accident--and when I try and force it, it doesn't seem to help.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004


Just received my Christmas present from my brother Aaron--we draw names since there are too many of us otherwise. I asked for the collectors edition of the new U2 cd How to dismantle an atomic bomb. This contains the cd, a dvd, and a book. The book is amazing--very thought provoking. I wanted this edition because I heard a friend from PTS talking about it and he really seemed to like it. I can see why. I'm not the hard core, long time fan of U2, although that's mainly because I have just recently--beginning in college--broken out of my Christian music only world, but the songs I know of U2's I like. So, I guess you could say I took a bargain as to whether or not I would actually like this cd, based on the excitement of a friend and the few songs of theirs I already new. From what I have heard listening to the cd so far, I'd say it was worth it.

And Janice bought me the Cross Canadian Ragweed cd Soul Gravy which also has a dvd. Also good stuff.

I love music.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

White Christmas in CC, TX!!

I never thought I'd see the day when it snowed in Corpus Christi, TX! A white Christmas Eve and a white Christmas! I keep wondering where I am cause it can't be CC! But it is and I have pictures thanks to my mom's digital camera, click here.

We got at least 4.4 inches of snow which is the most since Feb. 14, 1895 according to snow Blankets South Texas. I think the most before that was 1.5 inches and it was also a long time when my dad was in 5th grade probably.

My favorite picture is the palm tree with the snow on it and the Christmas tree next to it. These are my next door neighbor's trees--Janice and I got to have a snow ball fight with my bros on Christmas Eve. When did we ever think that would be possible?

Merry Christmas everyone!

Friday, December 24, 2004

Sarah Sumner's, Men and Women in the Church: Building Consensus on Christian Leadership

I am thinking of leading a group discussion on women in ministry next semester, using the book by Dr. Sarah Sumner Men and Women in the Church: Building Consensus on Christian Leadership. I went through this book last year with Carrie, who was the IV Staff Worker at AC--she's at seminary now as well, up at Gordon Conwell. The book looks at the hidden prejudices on women, that women have on themselves, and what is an appropriate way to deal with this issue. It addresses the scriptures used to keep woman from the pulpit, and seeks to address both sides of the issue. It helps you understand where both sides are coming from. There is also a section on the teachings of our church fathers on women--only necessary for reproduction and not useful to talk to--of which it is possible to see we have progressed on the issue, even if we still have a long way to go. If you know of anyone who would be interested in this type of book discussion let me know.

Interview with Sarah Sumner on her book.

My 23rd of December

Yesterday I was trying to get some last minute shopping done with Steph and Jo, after an excellent lunch at Aqua Java, but the lights went out in the mall. I was half expecting a weird chain of events to begin, people running around in a free for all, reeking havoc in the mall, while else where someone is masterminding a way to take over the world. Maybe this is a result from a hidden desire to experience such a thing, although I was glad nothing like that actually happened. It was annoying though because I had to go back to the mall later... But the plus side of that is I got to take the pictures I had wanted to take earlier of the Santa set up. People didn't understand the concept of Santa sitting on the back of a beach car, surrounded by surfing reindeer, reindeer on a wave runner, and reindeer relaxing under a beach umbrella by a palm tree next to the Christmas tree decorated with Sand Dollars and Starfish... So, I took pics and they will eventually find themselves posted on the blog.

So since I had to leave the mall early, I went to the library to research for my bio-medical ethics paper. Here I am a couple days before Christmas checking out all the books on bipolar and depression that my local library has. Did I mention that I hate the concept of having finals after Christmas? I was thinking about everything I had to do yesterday and I started feeling sick--what a way to spend your break after not being home and seeing people for 6 months, having an anxiety attack about school work.

Mom cooked some chicken enchiladas and charro beans for me for dinner last night. So good. And she bought me Mission Tortilla Chip Strips! Did you know that every time I walk into the grocery store in Princeton I look to see if they suddenly realize that they need to stock up on Mission Tortilla chips? Oh, but I just did a store check for stores that sell them and there is one 15 mins from Princeton in Somerset. Good to know.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Tejas adventures

*Side note: I added the Dunotter picture right as we were fixin to eat dinner, so there was not much time for explaination. This was one of the castles we saw while in Scotland last January. One of my favorite because of the location. Kind of a random picture, but life's more fun that way.

**Another side note: I keep being interrupted by brothers...this is the 3rd? time to try and finish a real post. The only reason I am able to now, is because they are playing Babylon 5 CCG...

So, updates since the weekend leaving Princeton...

Friday December 17, 2001 is the date that the local Christian sorority at Austin College, Sigma Phi Chi, Sisters For Christ, was charted. I am a founding member for this sorority so it's pretty exciting to say that it's been around for 3 years now! I got to hang out with some of my sisters on the 17th since they were having a Charter Party near to the airport I flew to. It was great to see everyone--THANKS FOR STAYING TILL I FINALLY GOT THERE! Holly about killed me on the way there trying to make her car jump a curb...crazy chica. I got to stay at Brittany's house along with Jessica and Sarah which was a lot of fun. I miss those girls. It was good seeing everyone, and I am excited that I will be in Sherman for the Monday Bible Study om Jan. 3rd. If you guys can find me a guitar I'll lead some songs for ya if you want.

Saturday the 18th I rode to Austin with Sarah. This was a blessing because I got to hangout more with Sarah and not ride the bus home! Quicker, less expensive, and I had someone to talk to. Sarah dropped me off at Leah's and I hung with her for the weekend. Ate some good Tex-Mex on Sunday after church--first time in 6 months! Lord have mercy! SO GOOD! Although, I got sick afterwards and threw up...while Leah and I were playing games at Dave and Busters (it's Chucky Cheese for Adults bascially--play games and order from the bar if ya want). Made it to the toilet, just barely...I'll spare ya the details. Then played for a little while longer. but just felt bad. Threw up twice at her house later and slept the rest of the day. Bummer eh? SORRY LEAH! Steph and Jo came from Corpus to pick me up and we went home on Monday after lunch. Been chillin with the family since then.

Brothers are so weird. People wonder why I am not phased by some of the stunts the guys at school pull. Here are some excerpts of conversations since being home--if by conversation you mean shouting.

bro 1: Mary, you should try that pie
me: I am!
everyone at the table but dad and bro 1: (screaming) NO!!!
me: WHY?!
everyone: It's gross! Dad used imitation sugar substitute...
me courious now tastes a little piece--it's the nastiest pie ever so I say: UGH!! bro 1!!...(punching repeatedly)

bro 2: he put his finger in my ear
bro 4: it had gross stuff in it-yellow and green...maybe he picked his nose and then put it in there

bro 3: mary hairy, mary scary, mary starey larry, fairy

bro 5: I know there is something to say about this one too....stay tuned

Dunotter Castle, Scotland

My favorite Scotland Castle...

*Thanks to Stephen for the picture.

On coming to Texas

In Newark airport
waiting to board
to leave behind New Jersey
a stop in Charlotte, NC
contines to Houston, TX

In Charlotte I'll board for Dallas, TX
this echos in my ears
"south bound 35...
let Texas fill my soul"

In my impatience
and impending foul mood
resulting from
the man at the desk
nothing more than rude

a smile begins
because of her

a little girl and her mom
"Can we go to Houston now?"
as she speaks I can feel her energy
"Maybe you should run around before we leave"
10 times
around the chairs

a laugh begins
because of her

the little girl
ran 10 times
or was 8
she counted 10 at any rate
and when she finished
she spoke my heart

"Now, let's go to Texas!"

I also thought this post was excellent. On Self-esteem and its relation to the ego. It's good to know there are others who have this struggle and are willing to own up to it. Thanks Dave.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Alan Jacobs, Theology Of Reading: The Hermeneutics Of Love

Here are some comments concerning Alan Jacobs A Theology Of Reading: The Hermeneutics Of excellent book that I encourage everyone to read.

Product Description from Amazon:

If the whole of the Christian life is to be governed by the "law of love"-the twofold love of God and one's neighbor-what might it mean to read lovingly? That is the question that drives this unique book. Jacobs pursues this challenging task by alternating largely theoretical, theological chapters-drawing above all on Augustine and Mikhail Bakhtin-with interludes that investigate particular readers (some real, some fictional) in the act of reading. Among the authors considered are Shakespeare, Cervantes, Nabakov, Nicholson Baker, George Eliot, W.H. Auden, and Dickens. The theoretical framework is elaborated in the main chapters, while various counterfeits of or substitutes for genuinely charitable interpretation are considered in the interludes, which progressively close in on that rare creature, the loving reader. Through this doubled method of investigation, Jacobs tries to show how difficult it is to read charitably-even should one wish to, which, of course, few of us do. And precisely because the prospect of reading in such a manner is so offputting, one of the covert goals of the book is to make it seem both more plausible and more attractive.

In light of this, I offer to you a quote from the book and some of my questions:

“To meditate is to attach oneself closely to the sentence being recited and weigh all its words in order to sound the depths of their full meaning.”—Jacobs 102.

In reference to this quote, Why then are we, here at Princeton Theological Seminary, given more to read than this method will allow? Why did every one of my professors say at the beginning of class that there was too much reading to do, and that there was no way to do it all, and, therefore, we must choose what is important? Why are those educated in the field leaving those not yet educated to define what is most important to read? How are we to realize the importance of our texts if we are encouraged and expected to brush over them quickly rather than to read them closely and “weigh all its words in order to sound the depths of their meaning”? How are we expected to interpret texts well if we are not expected to spend time understanding them?

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Christmas Dinner, Party, Dance

Friday Night Christmas Festivities:

Brenna, Kate O, Judy, Mary Posted by Hello

At the Christmas Dinner

Kate O, Olivia, Mary, Judy, Brenna, Kelly Posted by Hello

After dinner, before heading up to 4th Brown for the party, and before the dance.

Cathy, Matt the Santa, Mary Posted by Hello

At the 4th Brown party.

To see other of my fellow class mates with Santa head over to Adam's blog since he took the pics. The other two pics are from Kate O, thanks chica!

Thursday, December 09, 2004

A good Thursday

There were a whole bunch of these running around yesterday. ...It was Burt Reynolds Day on the PTS campus. Quite hilarious. Some of the guys have been growing their mustaches for a month so that they could all get together for a Burt picture. A group of girls were wearing shirts saying, "I love Burt". And, while I was looking for a picture of our hero to link to from the blog I ran across this humourous site The Church of Burt Reynolds. Need I say more?

Another great part of the day was receiving a package from one of my Great Aunts--she sent me a bunch of mistletoe from Texas! She said they sell for about $50 in this area so she sent some to me and my cousin Jimmy who is at Yale Law School. My side of third Brown had a midnight mistletoe ribbon tieing party last night. We now have a bunch of mistletoe hanging from doorways...asking for trouble? Maybe... ;)

And I skipped out of working the kiosk last night to talk with the Moderator of the 216th Presbyterian General Assembly, Rick Ufford-Chase. He spoke to us in chapel on Thursday morning about movement in the Church and I realized that I needed to talk to him. So when I found out he was meeting with students later that night I closed the kiosk and went. A short version of the results of the discussion: I think I will stay Presbyterian now. And if you've talked to me recently about the PC(USA) you'll know I was debating that. More on this later, I need lunch.

Rick Ufford-Chase has a blog as well U C: What I See.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

God's will and the World Series, Guinness and my health

The seminary, or, more accuratly, two students from the seminary, periodically do a newsletter in spoof of the Wineskin which informs students and facutly of the weeks events. This newsletter is the Whineskin. Here are 2 of the best announcements from this issue:

  • "The Department of Haphazardly Declaring God's Will has decreed that God doesn't want me to graduate. This is based on the fact that the weather has been nice all autumn, and that God made the World Series during reading week, making it impossible for me to study."

  • "A spokesperson for the PTS Health and Wellness Department has categorically denied allegations that seminary life fosters bad dietary habits. He then dropped six Advil tablets and an espresso shot into a pint of Guinness and dunked in a Snickers bar."

  • Those both ring pretty close to home for me. So, if you're not on the floor laughing, it's ok, cause I am.

    Monday, December 06, 2004

    On colors...

    Folks, just so ya know, pink is the new black Posted by Hello

    product of Hot Topic

    Sunday, December 05, 2004

    Weekend update

    This weekend has been so great! The coffee house on Friday night showed some amazing talent through Gospel singing, poetry, harp, and guitar playing. It was such a blessing to hear everyone's talents and to get to know a part of the person through their poetry, song lyrics, and songs chosen to share with us. I ended up playing a 25 to 30 min set! This was the longest I have played guitar and sang for people with my original songs as the focus. It was a pretty amazing experience. It's hard to know how people will receive your songs, but I feel really blessed by the response. I also played at the Princetorican Cafe last night for about 10 minutes. That was one of the coolest coffee house set ups. They started with salsa dancing and then had the first set, then more salsa dancing, then the second set. Again, more amazing talent. More Gospel singing, more poetry--some in Spanish as well as English, and techno with Biblical references thanks to Nick Hladek. Excellente. Fun times for all. I love this place.

    And, I heard a rumor that someone on 2nd floor Brown likes pink so much he docorated his room in pink for his birthday...

    Yeah to a fun weekend. God bless.

    Wednesday, December 01, 2004

    She sat on a hill side and played her guitar....

    hahaha....ok, maybe not on a hill side (that's the longest and silliest Girl Scout song ever by the way) but in MacKay Campus Center!

    There is a coffee house Friday at 8 pm in the Main Lounge where I will play several of my songs. There is also an event on Saturday night, The Princetorican Cafe sponsored by the Association of Latino/Hispanic American Seminarians, which I am thinking of playing for as well. I'm pretty excited since I've been wanting events like these to occur for a while now.

    Hope to see you PTS folks there.